Production Reporting Reminders

The Production Reporting Date is 45 days after the Sales Closing Date

All prior year production and any production insureds wish to certify for the current crop year must be certified by the production reporting date (PRD).

  • Production reports should be uploaded through the Document Management system.
  • Deadline for keying agencies: 25 days
    • Production must be keyed, the APH must be marked complete and saved, the insured signature date must be keyed, and the production report must uploaded through the Document Management system no later than 25 days after the PRD.
  • Deadline for non-keying agencies: 10 days
    • Production reports must be uploaded through the Document Management system to be processed.
    • If production is NOT submitted by the deadline, Late Reporting Reductions (LPRs) will apply.
  • If there are zero acres or if all units had a loss, a signed production report is not needed. Any crop/units with acreage that did not have a loss MUST have production reported.
  • Determined Yield Requests must be signed by the PRD.
    • These Requests need to be uploaded through the Document Management system within 10 days after the PRD for timely transmission to the RO.
  • Please review your policies to ensure all legal descriptions are listed for the CLUs on the units. Even if a portion of the field crosses the section line, that section must be listed on the unit.


Late Reporting Reduction for Production Reporting (LPR)

  • Late Reporting Reductions will be applied for production reported late just like they are for important policy details submitted at each sales closing date.
  • The production reporting date is now identified in the Special Provisions for each state, county, crop, and plan of insurance.
  • Agencies and/or underwriters have 25 to 30 days to key the production information after the end of the PRD to avoid an LPR. LPRs will be assessed starting on day 30.
  • Agents/agencies who do not timely key production data will be assessed LPRs.
    • If AgriSompo or the FCIC is at fault for the agent/agency being unable to submit the data timely, the reduction will not be assessed to the agents/agency.
  • Any LRRs for the SCD and LPRs for PRD are combined and together cannot exceed 3% per crop contract. For example, if an agent/agency has a SCD LRR of 2% and a PRD LPR of 2% on the same crop contract, the total LRR/LPR for the policy will be 3% (maximum allowed) for the crop contract.


Production Record Type

  • The insured is required to indicate the production record type on their production report by the PRD. We understand that there may be multiple record types within the same unit, but please use the record type that applies to the majority of production.
  • The production record type must also be entered in AgriNet. If a production record type is not entered, the RMA will not accept the policy’s yield report.
  • All production-related forms include a box where you can report the production record type to comply with this requirement.


Transfer Policies

  • After the application has been keyed and transmitted to RMA, AgriNet will automatically request the previous one year of the 10 days of history for the insureds P81 PASS records through Policy Holder Tracking System (PHTS) to and import data.
  • A step-by-step user guide is available on Saba.
  • It is crucial to review and verify the history of all new transfer policies received from the previous AIP. This review ensures completeness and accuracy, confirms that all databases are properly established in AgriNet, and verifies that any additional information—such as legal descriptions, FSNs, farm names, shares, and shareholders—is accurately entered or imported.
  • If all production history is listed on the transfer history and no additional changes need to be made, as signed production report is not required.


Temporary Yield Descriptor "J" and "JJ"

  • The temporary yield is valid for one year only “J”.
  • A production report indicating the actual yield for that year must be filed by the following year’s PRD or assigned yields provisions will apply.
  • If the insured used a temporary yield for last year’s production, the insured is required to report actual production on this year’s production report.
  • In the event, if production reports are still not available or a delayed claim is extended for year two, the underwriter will remove the “J” yield descriptor and change it to a “JJ” yield descriptor, and they will use 100% of the prior years approved yield for the APH yield.
  • Assigned yield procedures will apply if the insured fails to submit or recertify their production report in the subsequent year one or two, the underwriter will revise the policy with assigned yield for those affected databases.


Assigned Yields

  • If the insured doesn't turn in a signed production report by the processing deadline, the underwriter will assign yields to the APHs for any carryover policies.


Authorization to Use Another Producer’s History

  • A signed Production & Yield Report certifying the production as the insured’s own must be uploaded through the Document Management system. The desired crops and units should be highlighted, circled, or written on the yield report.
  • A Release of Crop History form can be printed from AgriNet and filled out to go along with the Production & Yield Report.
  • Only actual yields transfer from one individual to another. Any SA T-yields must be converted to the applicable T-yield.
  • Dual County crops (example: wheat) cannot transfer history for the PRD deadline of 4/29; the history must have been transferred during the fall PRD. 
  • SA T-yields will only transfer in the case of a change in name and if the SBI holders stay the same.
  • The history the insured is using must be keyed in AgriNet by the PRD. If the other insured is in AgriNet, you can use the “Copy Line” feature available on the Crop screen in the Actions menu.


Recertifying Production

  • Producers can correct the previous year’s production by recertifying that production on the current year’s production report.
  • When a producer recertifies, they are required to provide the reason for recertification.
  • Production from a claim must be used and cannot be recertified.


New Producer

  • To qualify for new producer status, the insured must not have produced the insured crop in the county for more than two APH crop years.
  • Policyholders are often erroneously reported as new producers; it is very important to verify new producer status with your insureds.
  • If an insured has planted the crop one or two years, they must turn in the production by the PRD. Failure to do so will result in removal of the new producer status, and applicable T-yields will apply.
  • We require the New Producer Certification Statement to be checked on either the application or production reporting form.


Quality Loss Option (QL)

  • Allows exclusion of quality loss from an APH database in circumstances where a quality loss occurs.
  • Producers can replace post-quality production amounts in APH databases with pre-quality production amounts. This can increase actual yields for individual crop years.
  • Must be elected by the applicable SCD.
  • For each eligible crop year within the APH database, the insured may choose whether or not to replace actual yields based on post-quality adjusted production (net production) with actual yields based on the pre-quality total production (gross production). This must be done by the PRD.
  • If the approved APH yield calculation chosen by the producer replaces at least one actual yield due to QL, the average yield is used as the rate yield and the effective coverage level (based on the adjusted yield) is used for determining premium rate.


Yield Exclusion (YE)

  • If the insured is a carryover, the YE opt-out from the prior year carried over.
  • If the insured is a transfer, YE and YE opt-out do not transfer. 
  • If the insured chooses to opt out of YE, this must be indicated on the Production Yield Report with a "Y" next to each year they wish to include in their database.
  • The years eligible for YE are automatically excluded.
  • If they opt out, it means they don’t want to exclude the year that is eligible to be excluded – they want to keep their actual yield.
  • This must be done on a Production and Yield Report that shows the 10-year history for all databases – NOT a Schedule of Insurance.


Yield Cup (YC)

  • YC prevents an approved yield from dropping more than 10% in one year.
  • YC will only apply to a database if the highest possible yield would drop more than 10%.
  • Trend Adjustment and Yield Exclusion will not apply to a database using YC.
  • Producers may opt out of a cup applying to individual APH databases by writing “Opt Out” on that database on a timely signed production report. This must be done no later than the PRD.
  • Premium calculations for YC will be the same as those currently used for YE.


Unit Numbering

  • The first four digits are the basic unit number and can be between 0001-9999. However, BUs for an insured should start with 0001, if possible. An easy way to identify the basic unit number is to determine ‘who’ the unit belongs to.
  • The last four digits are the optional unit number and may be any number between 0000-9999. An easy way to identify the optional unit is to determine ‘where’ the land is located based on Section/Twp/Range, Section Equivalent, or FSA FSN.
  • The unit number for a particular unit should remain the same from year to year to the extent possible, even when a policy transfers to a different AIP.
  • Unit numbers do not change when a different unit structure is elected (e.g., an insured with OUs elects EUs). The two-character unit structure code indicates unit election qualification.
  • AIPs may change unit numbers due to unit combination/division.
  • When possible, unit numbers should correspond for each crop as much as possible (e.g., wheat unit 0001-0001 should match the location of the corn unit 0001-0001).


Production Status Report

To print a Production Status Report from AgriNet, open the "Reports" tab at the top of your screen, then select the Production Status Report at left.

Need Help? Let Us Know!

AgriSompo North America is one of the nation’s largest underwriters of federally-sponsored crop insurance. We’re dedicated to protecting the livelihoods of farmers and ranchers by offering direct and customized agribusiness risk management products through a nation-wide network of exceptional independent crop insurance agents.

For general questions, information regarding agency appointments, or to find an AgriSompo North America agent in your area, contact us today.